IPOL.ID-BPJS Ketenagakerjaan kembali mengharumkan nama bangsa dengan meraih 14 penghargaan pada forum International Social Security Association (ISSA) yang berlangsung pada tanggal 3 – 5 Desember 2024 di Riyadh, Arab Saudi.
Pada tahun ini kategori yang dikompetisikan yaitu ISSA Good Practice Award 2024, terdapat 187 karya yang dikirimkan oleh 34 instansi anggota ISSA dari 21 negara.
Deretan penghargaan Internasional yang diraih BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dari ISSA dan ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) berupa 10 penghargaan ISSA Good Practice, 3 ISSA recognition, dan 1 ASSA recognition.
10 penghargaan ISSA Good Practice terdiri dari INSANOVA: A chamber for innovator, #SERTAKAN: Provide protection to informal workers around us through employee awareness, Digital transformation in providing contact center 175 services to Indonesia migrant workers abroad, Extending social security coverage to vulnerable group with the “345 Strategy” of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan sustainable growth of informal workers and small micro-sized enterprises, Implementation of correspondence information system and digital archives applications, Integrity agent as the catalyst for more effective fraud control system, Jamsostek mobile application: Customer experience champion, Sharia services and principles in the implementation of employment social security in Indonesia, Transforming social security communications by featuring Kerja Keras Bebas Cemas: A grand design for rising awareness, universal coverage and enhancing sustainable development goals, Utilization of SIPATUH as compliance testing application for prevention and detection of error and fraud.